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Frequently Asked Questions 


Q:  What time does school start and end?

A:  The front doors will open at 8:55 and students can work on different STEaM activities until school starts at 9:10.  School ends at 4:00.

Q: What is the best way to communicate with Mrs. Blechar?

A:  Email!  I will typically respond to your emails within 24 hours during the school week.  My email is  If your matter is urgent, you may contact the school directly at 303-387-5225.


Q:  What time does my child eat lunch?

A:  We have lunch from 11:40-12:00 and lunch recess from 12:00-12:20.  We will wash hands before and after lunch/recess.


Q: What can my child bring for snack time?

A:  We encourage healthy snack habits.  Please send a healthy snack and water bottle for your child each day.  We will wash hands before/after snack.

Q: Can I send in birthday treats for my child's birthday?

A:  We are unable to celebrate your child's birthday by sharing food items.  If you would like to send in a treat for your child to pass out to the class, please send in items like pencils, stickers, bubbles, etc.  I look forward to celebrating this special day in other ways with your child and the whole class. 

Q: What are the expectations about homework?

A:  In 2nd grade, we are asking that students read every night.  This is a great opportunity to practice the skills that they learned in class.  We also strongly encourage students to go play outside, spend time with family, and enjoy their extracurricular activities. 

Q: When can we expect to hear about class updates?

A:  I will send out a weekly newsletter through email that details what we will be focusing on for the following week as well as reminders about important dates/times.  

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